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ともに生きのびよう!多民族多文化共生社会へ マーチ・イン・マーチ2013 3月3日(日)@日比谷公園小音楽堂
マーチ・イン・マーチは毎年3月に開催する移住労働者の行動で す。日本で働く移住労働者がはじめて、その労働条件の向上と権利 獲得を訴える春闘を闘ったのは1993年でした。当時はバブル崩 壊直後で、バブル期を下支えした「外国人出稼ぎ労働者」の労災事 故や解雇が相次ぎました。以来、毎年3月に移住労働者がその時々 において取り組む課題を掲げ、移住労働者から見た日本社会 の現状を訴えてきました。
いわゆる3K(キケン、キタナイ、キツイ)労働を担いながら、労 働基準法や最低賃金法も守られない解雇自由の「ブラック企業」で 働き、非正規・有期の不安定雇用も、派遣切りも、社会保障からの 排除も、移住労働者が真っ先に社会に訴えてきたのです。そして、 こうした移住労働者が訴えてきた生活や労働の問題は、ほんの少し の時差の後、今や日本人労働者をも苦しめる課題にもなっていま す。
3.11において日本は地球規模で環境を汚染してしまったばかりでな く、貧困、差別、排外をも新自由主義によって広げ、平和と民主主 義も今や危機に瀕しています。私たちは、この恐ろしい時代に、移 住労働者と「ともに生きのびよう」と、声を上げざるを得ません。
日本で働くすべての労働者とともに闘い、ともに生きるために、マ ーチ・イン・マーチへの参加を呼びかけます。
日時:2013年3月3日(日) 場所:日比谷公園小音楽堂 (千代田区日比谷公園) 地下鉄丸ノ内線・千代田線「霞ヶ関」、地下鉄日比谷線「日比谷」徒歩2分 JR「有楽町」下車 徒歩8分 http://www.tokyo-park.or.jp/park/format/access037.html http://www.tokyo-park.or.jp/park/format/map037.html
プログラム: 13:00 コンサート集会 14:30 デモ出発
主催:マーチインマーチ2013実行委員会 けんり春闘全国実行委員会
Let's Survive together! Toward Multi-ethnic and Multi-cultural Society March in March 2013 Sunday, March 3rd @Hibiya Park
March in March is an action carried out by migrant workers every year in March.
The first time that migrant workers in Japan fought the traditional spring struggle to improve their working conditions and secure their rights was in March of 1993. That time was shortly after the bubble economy ended. Problems of work place accidents and layoffs were happening one after the other to the so-called “dekakesegi” migrant workers who had propped up the bubble economy.
Every year in March since then, migrant workers have taken up the issues which were relevant at the time, and have brought forward an image of the conditions in Japanese society from their point of view.
Migrant workers often work in the 3-K jobs (kiken, kitanai, kitsui), in so-called“black companies” that don’t obey labor standards or minimum wage laws and can fire workers at will. Migrant workers also experience irregular employment status - including unstable temporary employment and termination of dispatch employment and being excluded from social insurance. At first, migrant workers appealed to society at large concerning all of these issues. After a little bit of time, Japanese workers are now also suffering from these same problems mentioned by migrant workers.
In post 3/11 Japan, the environment has not only been contaminated on a global scale, but poverty, discrimination, and exclusion have spread due to neo-liberalism, bringing peace and democracy to the verge of crisis.
In these scary times, we have to raise our voices saying to “live and survive together with migrants”.
In order to live together and struggle together with all workers in Japan, we call on you to participate in the March in March 2013!
March in March 2013 Organizing Committee
Date: Sunday March 3rd, 2013 Venue: Small Open-Air Concert Hall, Hibiya Park (Hibiya Park, Chiyoda Wardn)
http://www.tokyo-park.or.jp/english/park/detail_02.html#hibiya 2 minutes walk from [Hibiya Sta.] of Tokyo-metro Hibiya Line, 2 minutes walk from [Kasumigaseki Sta.] of Tokyo-metro Marunouchi Line and Chiyoda Line, 8 minutes walk from [Yuurakucho Sta.] of JR Yamanote Line, Parking facilities available
Program: 13:00? Speeches, appeals and concert 14:30? Demonstration march(parade)
Main organizers:March in March 2013 Organizing Committee Kenri Shunto National Organizing Committee |