タイトル 日本の社会問題とNPO活動コースTemple University, MGO Mgt courses
開始日時 2010年 9月 27日 (月曜日)   19時00分 (GMT+09:00)
終了日時 2010年 9月 27日 (月曜日)   21時00分 (GMT+09:00)
詳細 To sign up: contact Temple University Japan directly

Japan’s Nonprofit Sector & How Nonprofit NGOs Tackle Social Issues.
Monday nights: 7:10-9:30
9/27 through 12/6

Basic Description/Course Objective/ Prerequisite(s):
Overview: This is an issues-based course for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the work of local nonprofit organizations and current issues facing Japanese society. We will use online readings to better understand local issues, causes and the approach of Japanese nonprofit NGOs. Each week, participants are asked to do readings on issues and research organizations working on specific issues to better understand the methods they use. Participants are expected to be active in class discussion, group-work and activities involving classmates. Each person is required to make a final presentation on one specific social issue being addressed by one organization of their own choice.
投稿者 Sarajean
レコード表示 公開
最終更新日 2010年 9月 18日 (土曜日)

この予定は NGOネットワークジャパン NGO network Japan にて作成されました