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¥¿¥¤¥È¥ë Organizational Development Skills workshop
³«»ÏÆü»þ 2013ǯ 3·î 9Æü (ÅÚÍËÆü)   9»þ00ʬ (GMT+09:00)
½ªÎ»Æü»þ 2013ǯ 3·î 16Æü (ÅÚÍËÆü)   17»þ00ʬ (GMT+09:00)
¾ÜºÙ Organizational Development Skills

March 9 and 16, 10:00-17:00

Registration deadline: March 1, limited to 15 people only so sign up now!

To sign up, contact info@osc.tsuda.ac.jp Find out more http://osc.tsuda.ac.jp/course/titp.html



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Course Format: This course will be run in workshop format, including presentation, group discussion, pairwork and simulation activities. Language: All course materials are in English and classes will be conducted in English. Most class presentation and discussion will take place in English but may also take place in Japanese. All evaluated materials should be submitted and presented in English. Language Requirement: High intermediate and above (spoken and written English). Evaluation: Participants will receive a pass if they fulfill the criteria for passing: attendance, class preparation, active class participation, final class project, and a final paper. Class participants are expected to complete readings and/or other course work even if absent.

Assignments: Weekly reading materials related to class discussion and project preparation.

Readings to prepare for Day 1:

Capacity building for local NGOs: A guidance manual for good practice.

Chapter 0 Intro and contents
Chapter 1 The basics
Chapter 2 Organisational governance
Chapter 5 Managing people
Chapter 6 Managing projects

Writing assignment for day 1
- 1 page on an issue you would like to develop and organization around

Day 1 themes and contents
1-1 Introduction to course and participants.
Introduction to nonprofit NGO and the mgt skills needed.
Finding solutions and creating projects and organizations
Creation of Mission and Vision statements
Organizational Values and Principles

1-2 Finding solutions and creating an organization:
Organizational structure and leadership

1-3 Human Resource Management.
Board Members, Staff and volunteers

1-4 Basic project management
Seeing a problem and creating a solution
Project cycle: assessment and planning tools
Group presentation - Project overview

Assignments for day 2:
Write up an organization outline and brainstorm possible funding sources

Readings to prepare for day 2:
Capacity building for local NGOs: A guidance manual for good practice.

3 Strategic planning
4 Managing finances
8 Publicity and fundraising

Day 2 themes and contents
2-1 Assignment review and discussion
2-2 Business plan, action plan and grant proposals
Plan development for internal and external use
2-3 Nonprofit NGO entrepreneurship and importance of networking
PR/ marketing and outreach

2-4 Fundraising
Financial management.
2-5 Group presentation - Organization review
Detailed organization and project plan

Course Format: This course will be run in workshop format, including presentation, group discussion, pairwork and simulation activities.

Language: All course materials are in English and classes will be conducted in English. Most class presentation and discussion will take place in English but may also take place in Japanese. All evaluated materials should be submitted and presented in English.

Language Requirement: High intermediate and above (spoken and written English).

Evaluation: Participants will receive a pass if they fulfill the criteria for passing: attendance, class preparation, active class participation, final class project, and a final paper. Class participants are expected to complete readings and/or other course work even if absent.
Åê¹Æ¼Ô Sarajean
¥ì¥³¡¼¥Éɽ¼¨ ¸ø³«
ºÇ½ª¹¹¿·Æü 2013ǯ 1·î 27Æü (ÆüÍËÆü)
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NGO network Japan