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¥¿¥¤¥È¥ë General Project Management Skills workshop 2/9 and 2/16
³«»ÏÆü»þ 2013ǯ 2·î 9Æü (ÅÚÍËÆü)   9»þ00ʬ (GMT+09:00)
½ªÎ»Æü»þ 2013ǯ 2·î 16Æü (ÅÚÍËÆü)   17»þ00ʬ (GMT+09:00)
¾ÜºÙ Feb 9 and 16, 10:00-17:00

Registration deadline: Feb 1, limited to 15 people only so sign up now!

To sign up, contact info@osc.tsuda.ac.jp Find out more http://osc.tsuda.ac.jp/course/titp.html



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Overview: A skills-based course focusing on the development of projects as one key method for dealing with complex issues addressed in the MDGs. Participants come out of the course with a general understanding of how projects are developed and managed. Target Audience: This course is designed for those who have a general understanding of current global issues and/or experience related to the MDGs, community projects or international development as well as those wishing to further develop their know-how.

Day 1 - Morning¡¡
Introductions, Overview
Assessing everyone's interests, Connecting issues Diverse approaches, defining projects

Program cycle overview, what¡Çs a project? breaking down the parts of a project, Problems vs. issues, selecting an area of focus Understanding community needs, Who are the people that need to be involved

Assessment of the community, target audience and stakeholders
Problem analysis: analyzing the causes and effects of a problem
Objectives analysis & selecting a project
Goal setting, Objectives analysis

Presentation – 10-15min. per group (plus Q & A time)
Report back on group work and plan

Assignment for day 2
* Project outline

Assignment review
Project implementation, How to plan a project
Project plan development, selecting activities Tactics, timeline development

Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Budgeting and financial planning - Resource mobilization
Presentation – 15-20 min. per group (plus Q and A time)
Report back on group work and plan

Wrap up and Review learning points

Course Format: This course will be run in workshop format, including presentation, group discussion, pairwork and simulation activities.

Language: All course materials are in English and classes will be conducted in English. Most class presentation and discussion will take place in English but may also take place in Japanese. All evaluated materials should be submitted and presented in English.

Language Requirement: High intermediate and above (spoken and written English).

Evaluation: Participants will receive a pass if they fulfill the criteria for passing: attendance, class preparation, active class participation, final class project, and a final paper. Class participants are expected to complete readings and/or other course work even if absent.
Åê¹Æ¼Ô Sarajean
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ºÇ½ª¹¹¿·Æü 2013ǯ 1·î 27Æü (ÆüÍËÆü)
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