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¥¿¥¤¥È¥ë [One day workshop on Community Organizing]
³«»ÏÆü»þ 2010ǯ 7·î 18Æü (ÆüÍËÆü)   10»þ00ʬ (GMT+09:00)
½ªÎ»Æü»þ 2010ǯ 7·î 18Æü (ÆüÍËÆü)   17»þ00ʬ (GMT+09:00)
¾ÜºÙ One day workshop on Community organizing
A step-by-step look at direct action strategy development
@ TUJ, July 18, 2010
Contact TUJ to sign up:
Tel 03-5441-9800
Fax 03-5441-9811
Hours Monday to Friday: 10:00 to 20:00

Workshop outline
1. Introductions
2. Intro to CO/DAO
3. Intro to power
4. Strategy
5. Problems and Issues
6. Goal setting
7. Resource assessment
8. People involved
9. Tactics
10. Implementation
11. Monitoring
12. Group work - Planning
13. Presentation
14. Wrap-up

Workshop format: Presentation interspersed with group discussion

What is community organizing?
Organizing does two central things to seek to rectify the problem of power imbalance - it builds a permanent base of people power so that dominant financial and institutional power can be challenged and held accountable to values of greater social, environmental and economic justice; and, it transforms individuals and communities, making them mutually respectful co-creators of public life rather than passive objects of decisions made by others.
-Mike Miller, Organize Training Center

Long history in many countries, not just in the USA
Can include many types of activities
Direct action is one type of community organizing
Direct action organizing has roots in rights movements

Community organization is that process by which the people...organize themselves to 'take charge' of their situation and thus develop a sense of being a community together. It is a particularly effective tool for the poor and powerless as they determine for themselves the actions they will take to deal with the essential forces that are destroying their community and consequently causing them to be powerless.
-Reverend Robert Linthicum, World Vision International

Community organizing and DAO aims to:
Win concrete improvements in people¡Çs lives.
Make people aware of their own power.
Alter relations of power

Key elements:
Collective action by those directly affected.
Only the people affected can make change happen.
Changing basic power relationships the only way to change conditions.

Underlying Assumptions
Government needs to be accountable to the people
People have the right to speak or act on social and political issues. (freedom of speech, assembly, thought etc.)
People need to keep the government in check.
Åê¹Æ¼Ô Sarajean
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ºÇ½ª¹¹¿·Æü 2010ǯ 7·î 12Æü (·îÍËÆü)
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