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2007ǯ 4·î 28Æü(ÅÚ)
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Community organizing workshop
Skills Building workshops - to empower participants into active community involvement

April 28 (Sat) 2-4:30pm Theme: Community organizing
at Jingumae Kumin Kaikan
*** An overview of issue development and strategic plan development involving stakeholders directly in the social change process. We will review the necessity for including the voiceless in bringing about improvements in peoples lives.

Location - Harajuku/Omotesando area
Participation Fee: 3,000yen per workshop
(half price for students with ID)
For details: http://people-for-social-change.blogspot.com

Jingumae Kumin Kaikan/Community Center (¿ÀµÜÁ°¶è̱²ñ´Û) is 5-8 minutes from Harajuku (JR) and Meiji Jingumae (Chiyoda Subway) Stations. You can find directions and a map at http://gmap.jp/shop-1401.html . You can also access the map from mobile phones by sending a blank email to 0334094565@gmap.jp .

People for Social Change (PSC), a Tokyo-based volunteer group committed to a wide range of social issues will be holding series of workshops in April for anyone interested in becoming more effective in their volunteer, nonprofit or community work. Over the past 2 years, our workshops have attracted interesting people active in diverse types of socially responsible work - please join us!


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NGO network Japan